Older versions of Best Inspectors Network and WindSurance software can be downloaded here FREE. Replacements for lost Activation Codes are available for a nominal fee. Click on the DOWNLOAD link to download or click on the PRICE link to purchase a replacement Activation Code.

Archived reports may have EXPIRED. If your report has expired and you have your activation code, you can request a FREE replacement of your Master Template by writing to

Activation code requests made after three years from the date of the original purchase may require proof of your original purchase.    

Only those Best Inspectors Network and WindSurance report that have a full distribution package (installer) available and were originally sold through the BestInspectors.Net and websites are listed here. Special editions are not listed here.

Some discontinued reports may be available separately without an installer. If you are looking for a report not listed here, call 313-920-5996 or send an email to   


Archived software is FREE to download.

The prices listed are for replacement activation codes and custom download links. You will not need to buy a replacement activation code if you still have a valid activation code. Click or tap on the price listed next to a report to purchase a replacement activation code or a replacement custom download link.

InspectorLogic, WindSurance, and State specific reports that do not require an activation code require an upgrade after one year if a maintenance plan was not purchased with the software or the maintenance plan has expired. Archived reports may have
EXPIRED. If your report has expired and you have your activation code, you can request a FREE replacement of your Master Template by writing to 

NOTE: Many of the older reports may no longer work. We cannot provide technical support for obsolete reports. Upgrades are available for any report software regardless of when it was purchased.  If the report you have is no longer available, you can upgrade to any other report.


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PayPal is our bank. You do NOT need a PayPal account. We are on eBay as BestInspectors.

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